Last Saturday, January 8th, 2011 Teddy became ill. He seemed better the next day when I had to take my dogs to the daycare for a couple of days while I attended to the hospital. On Tuesday, January 11, 2011 Barb the daycare provider called me advising Teddy was not well and could I come. I took Teddy to the vet they admitted him for tests. It turned out Teddy had liver problems and a tumor and his prognosis was not good as he was not responding to treatment or medication. He also had a very high fever which was not coming down. The next day the vet called me to tell me there was no improvement but they would continue with treatment. In the evening the vet called me again and basically told me there was no hope for him as he also was in pain. I decided it would be in Teddy's best interest I let him go to the other side without prolonging his life here. This is so sad for me and also for Bear and Angel as they too are grieving the loss of their little buddy.
Teddy was born on November 11th 2001. I met him at three weeks of age. He fit into the palm of my hand and looked like a Teddy Bear, hence the name "Teddy" he had a beautiful brown coloring. I trained Teddy as a Therapy Dog when I worked as a family therapist. He loved all the kids and adults too as knew them all. Children who had difficult time talking about their traumas would talk to Teddy. He showed them love and acceptance. He did a grand job!
Teddy also traveled with me to Texas where I lived and worked for almost three years. He traveled well and loved being with me. Teddy had a Texan girlfriend named Pepetta a little chihuahua. My mom loved Teddy too and often babysat for me when I traveled on the road. In 2003, Haida a three year old German Shepherd joined our family. The two of them soon became fast friends, but Teddy remained the boss!
Angel my Shetland Sheep Dog joined us in 2006. Teddy was not too sure about Angel as she yapped a lot and would chase him. But they soon too became friends and Teddy remained the boss of everybody!
In February 2006 a few days prior to my mom passing of cancer I took Teddy up to the Palliative Care unit to visit my mom. I placed him on the bed and a wee smile came across my mom's face as she recognized Teddy. He carefully made his way on the bed to her as he loved his grandma!
In July 2009 Haida passed from cancer. This too was a very sad day for all of us. Towards the end of July 2009 a big energetic 8 month old German Shepherd puppy arrived on the scene named "Bear". He was and of course still is full of life ... Teddy chased him when he first arrived. The tables turned and Bear did the chasing! This of course did not last long as Teddy stood up for himself and in no uncertain terms let Bear know to stop chasing him. Bear seemed to understand and no longer chased him but set his sights on Angel and chases her. LOL

However, Bear would always look out for Teddy at the daycare. Barb told me the other day Bear had been more attentive to Teddy for a few weeks as he likely "knew" he was not that well. Bear did not play as much with his other buddies at daycare but would hang around Teddy more. Then yesterday (Friday) when i picked Bear and Angel up from daycare Barb told me today was the first time since Teddy's been gone that Bear has actually started to play with his little furry friends again. I believe there was a special bond between all of my dogs and I know they miss him as do I.
I know I will see Teddy again when I too make that journey to the other side. He along with the others will be waiting for me and I believe right now he is with my mom & dad and Haida waiting for the rest of us.
I know the pain I feel will lessen with time but I still miss the little guy as he was always beside me when I was on the computer or watching TV. As I look down at his basket it's empty and it reminds me of his constant companionship after all he was my little boy. Sometimes when I would call him and if he did not come right away I would call, "Where is my boy?" I would then hear him come running down the hall to me. Sometimes in the mornings he would stay in bed while I was getting ready for work. I would find him in my bed still sleeping and I would ask, "Do I have a lazy boy? Yes, I do, I have a very lazy boy!" But as soon as I picked up his sweater and collar he knew we were off to daycare and he couldn't wait.
Animals do work their way into our hearts and that's why when we lose them it hurts so much. I am comforted by the fact he is no longer in pain and the many memories I have of my life with Teddy.
Love to you Teddy from Mommy, Angel and Bear we all miss you very much ..... till we meet again!