Since Angel's birthday is a week after Christmas Day she is still very much in the Christmas spirit. This is her favorite time of year as she can go in and out as many times as she wants as her mommy is home for the holidays. Happy 4th Angel (28 in dog years).

Angel loves to please and can be a wee bit yappy ... well maybe more than a wee bit! She is Haid's back up barker when they are outside.
In the mornings when I get up to let her out she makes sure to wake up Haida to go with her. Teddy, she let's sleep as they have an understanding.
Angel usually follows me all over the place. Right now she is laying beside the computer in her favorit spot. When she hears the sound of the computer being turned off she starts barking as she knows it's time to go out and then off to bed.
Angel is a very friendly dog and would go home with anyone that pays attention to her. She loves kids and would yap whenever she saw the neighbor's kids going off to school. She would whine if they wouldn't come over to pet her.
I wouldn't trade Angel for anything in the whole world she's part of this family and has found her place in our hearts. Happy New Year and a veryHappy Birthday Angel, from all of us!
Mommy, Haida and Teddy