Perhaps I am rushing things in my part of the world, but the snow is seemingly melting and what a mess underneath ... dog poop! Now I do try to pick up all the visiable dog poop but didn't realize that the snow covered some of it!
I am still trying to figure out a way to have the dogs pick up after themselves. This of course is a fruitless venture but nonetheless a dream of all dog owners. I am I right?
I am thinking about purchasing some flowers to put in my window boxes in front of the diningroom and livingroom windows. Since I am not an expert on flowers like my mother, I have to rely on the expertise of those in the gardening field and perhaps google for some information on the subject.
I am still on vacation and my to do list is widdling down bit by bit. I think I can get use to retirement without too much difficulty transitioning from an actual work week to a more relaxed setting. Since I deferred my retirement for another a year, I have more time to make plans for that chapter of my life.
In the meantime, I am making plans for the next series of training sessions and looking forward to a month off during the summer. I will create a"To Do List" and little projects for that time. I need a new fence in the back yard that separates my property from the neighbours and keepmy dogs from wandering off and/or running at large in the neighbourhood.
My dogs just started barking outside. I better let them in since they have been outside most of the morning. Next week, they will be back into their old rountine of spending time in doors while I am at work.
Till next time, Cheers!
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