Happy Mother's Day to all Mothers everywhere!
My mom loved flowers. She could make anything bloom. Her flower boxes were full of flowers each summer. Her lawn was always beautifully manicured and framed with, you guess it, flowers. My mom had a jar which she named: "flower fund." She saved her pennies, collected the change that fell between the cushions from over flowing pockets and of course I would contribute whatever change I usually had in my pockets whenever I came over to visit. When Spring rolled around she had quite a haul, hence the beautiful yard of flowers.
When I was growing up I remember my mother having flowers inside the house. They were all over and I must admit that I did not inherit the skill of making everything grow. My attempts at having flowers is very feeble indeed. I can plant them in the dirt alright, but usually forget to water them. I will make another attempt this year. Maybe.
On February 6, 2006, my mother passed away suddenly. She was only seventy-five, and would have been seventy-six year on October 20, 2006. I lost my best friend. A few days after she died. I had a dream. I saw a white room and at one end of it was a gurney. My mom was laying on it. I walked over and looked down on her. Suddenly she was standing beside me with her hand on my shoulder. She said, " I am alright now." I responded by saying, "How did you do that?" She was alive and standing beside me. I have had a number of dreams about her and we are usually talking about things like we use to do.
In another dream, my mom came and swooped me up and we were traveling into outer space. I could see the world getting smaller. It was a great feeling. This dream came a few months after her death at a particularly difficult time in my life. In the dream, I told her about everything that was happening and she was listening as she did so many times throughout my life. She was a great listener. When the dream was just about over my mom told me that I had to go back. I told her that I didn't want to go back I wanted to stay with her. She told me I had to go back for now.
I awoke from this dream and knew that I had just visited with my mom. I do believe that people that have passed on can and often do visit us in dreams. I recall an incident that occurred in July 2007 when I was having a garage sale. Only I was not asleep at the time, I was coming out of the house and I "heard" my mother's voice calling me by my middle name, in German. I turned and there was absolutely no one insight at that precise moment.
I told my friend who was visiting from Texas and helping me with the garage sale, about what had just happened. I told her that I would never forget it. I have to tell you about something else concerning my mother. I have had the urge to buy a hanging basket of flowers which my brother and I would buy for my mother for Mother's Day. I have never felt the urge to do this before now, as I mentioned, flowers aren't my thing since I have a difficult time looking after them.
But as soon as the stores open today. I will go to
Wal-mart and pick out a nice hanging basket in memory of my mom and keep it on the dining room table until the weather is warmer. Then I will hang it outside in the very place where she hung so many of the hanging baskets we gave her over the years.
I decide to check out a website which features a number of recipes that seem to be easy enough to make for your mom. The site is called Mother's Day Muffins. Enjoy!
Till next time, Cheers!