It's Christmas Eve ... it was the night before Christmas and all
through the house not a creature was stirring not even a moue! The stockings were hung by the
chimney with care. they had been worn a year and needed the air!
I finished work early today and made my way to Walmart and Superstore to pick up a few groceries and food for my animals. I arrived at
Walmart and thought that everyone must have followed me there as I ended up what seemed like miles from the front door.
I made my way over the pet food section and loaded up and then zoomed over to Electronics to see if there were any more of my favorite
DVD's on the shelf. I was please to see Season 7 of JAG. Season 6 of Law & Order
SVU, Season One Volume One of Love Boat, Season 4 Vol 2 of Touched by an Angel, (I aready have
Vol 1 at home), and a DVD burning fire log ... I have three of them now. I buy one every year as I want to see if there the flames look more realistic. I had planned on purchasing a fireplace for my f
amilyroom. However, that plan went down the toilet literally when my toilet went on the fritz. The fireplace monies will be used for a new low flush toilet. I then can put the fire log DVD on my laptop place it on the new toilet while I take a
leisurely bath with my new bubble bath I got for Christmas! Now I certainly couldn't drag a fireplace into the bathroom. You have to make the best of it.
One thing about long lines and Christmas time people chat with you like you are old friends. We ended up talking to one another and wondering why so may checkouts on such a busy day were closed. We narrowed it down to one thing: Money! Someone piped in and said "they" should give us the groceries for Christmas as a friendly gesture of goodwill. since there was no Christmas music playing we figured that the former was not an option. We continued to wait. I finally got out of
Walmart and drove across the road to Superstore. The place was so crowded that I found myself
putting my things in someone
else's cart! When I arrived at the check out I noticed that not all the check out stations were opened and the lines meandering
throughout the isles of the store. The people were very friendly and told each other where they thought the line may end up. I got behind a lady that was quite friendly and she told me that she lives out of town but was in town for Christmas at her daughter's placed. Since she seemed friendly enough I asked her if she stuffs her turkey. She said she did but warned that you have to be careful. I then realized that I had forgotten to buy stove top stuffing and didn't dare get out of line as I would never know where to find it. I never cook stuffing in a turkey as I am afraid that I would poison myself and the dogs and ruin Christmas for us.
My dogs love ribs; I decided to cook some in the slow cooker for them to enjoy throughout the holidays as a treat. The dogs are presently laying
in front of the TV, (the fire log DVD is playing). I just got up to check on the potatoes that are boiling on the stove. Teddy, my poodle followed me into the kitchen as likely thought I was going over to the slow cooker to check on the ribs.
The picture above is of my back yard ... looking out from the french doors of the
family room. I love sitting in this room and watching the snow fall. I am off work for the next 10 days and I know I will enjoy every minute. I will get up early tomorrow morning to put in the turkey without the stuffing into the oven.
Merry Christmas to One and All,
Jaime & Company