I haven't posted since Friday ... the day I went shopping. It took a couple of days to recuperate. Today I cleaned the house ... so now I am tired, I am going to bed early as tomorrow I have to return that memory foam pillow that I bought. I was surprised it was as hard as a rock. Although, once you have your head on it for awhile it does kind of take the shape of your head, but it's too hard for me. I might as well sleep on a rock! So It's back to the store to return section. I don't think I will try another.
I have a $25.00 gift certificate that I got from the gang at work ... you guessed it, I still have it in my wallet. I forgot to give it to the cashier at the check out counter.
There was a lady in line behind me with three or four items, I told her she could go ahead of me, much to the chagrin of the cashier as she glared at me for letting this lady go ahead of me. The cashier had to push my stuff away from the till to let the lady in. I wanted to tell the cashier to tell her face that it was Christmas and to give the lady a break.
I like to watch the items come up on the cash register, but since she was putting the things through quicker than I could get the bags in my cart I only saw the total and forgot about the gift card until I was outside loading my stuff into the truck. I wouldn't dare go back to this cashier. I will go tomorrow when I buy Angel's birthday gift, I will use it then.
I don't like going shopping. I go if I have to get a particular item(s). I go in and then out again. I must admit I did get a couple of great deals on some things that I had wanted to buy anyway. I bought a toaster oven and a crock pot, it was a steal.
Have you ever seen the commercial of the lady shopping at IKEA? She has bags and bags of things she's purchased and when she looks at her bill she can't believe how much she paid. She is sure the cashier must of made a mistake. She gets out of the store and is yelling to her husband, who was patiently waiting in the car, "start the car, start the car", she gets in the car and begins hooting and hollering as they seemingly make a clean get away, not realizing they had hit the biggest IKEA sale, ever!
Tomorrow is New Years Eve, I am sure many will be out celebrating with family and friends or staying home. Me, and the dogs will spend a quiet evening at home, retire before midnight and sleep away 2007 and wake up in 2008!
Till next time, Happy New Year
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