Now wouldn't it be great to wake up to a scene like this every morning? Dream on! I tend to think of more places without snow given that when I look out the window the scene is much different her in Saskatchewan. The past few days hasn't yielded any new white stuff around here and the old stuff isn't going to disappear anytime soon.
I think I will venture out today to buy groceries and a few other items that I should stock up on. You know, just in case we get a blizzard and I can't get out of the house.
Remember the other day I only shoveled a path for the post man. Well the other half of the driveway still has the snow on it. I am thinking if I drive out real slow I may not get stuck as my truck is well able to pack down the rest of the snow on the driveway. However, that may not work, but it's worth a try. I think I will have to invest in some new snow shovels, you've seen the kind, they are shaped funny and called ergonomic.
I had better get a move on as the sun will soon be getting up and shining through a crack in the clouds. I don't want to risk running into the late Christmas shoppers at the mall today. Then again, I am not a 100% sure I will actually go out this morning. I better have breakfast first. Oh I almost forgot, I am out of eggs, hash browns, and too many other things too numerous to mention. Well, the percentage has just gone down to 50% chance of me going to the mall today, who knows I may find a bargain or two!
Till next time, Cheers!
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