Thursday, November 29, 2007

Cold Snap

This morning I managed to wake up before the alarm. I dragged myself out of bed, let the dogs out and in under two minutes, you guessed it, it's cold outside. I had a shower, made some coffee, checked my email and wrote a few lines on my blog.

I don't mind winter, but I do mind the cold cold weather. My truck will likely take sometime to warm up so I had better do that in plenty of time. Good Morning America (GMA), is on in the back ground. They are talking about the Presidential debate ....

Yesterday, online looked at some Class C motor homes . In February 2008 one of our RV dealers is sponsoring a RV show for an entire week. Since the gas prices are steadily rising, it's going to be interesting to see what changes the RV manufactures made with regards to fuel economy. I plan to attend the show and explore what's new in the world of RVs.

Time is moving on and I had better switch gears and get ready for work. Tomorrow, (Friday) I am off and I am looking forward to sleeping in as this cold snap is not going to be over until the middle of next week.

Till next time, cheers.

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